گوجری لفظالی: اک مطالعہ


  • ڈاکٹر عامر ظہیر بھٹی Author


Gojri is an lndo-Aryan language spoken in a very vast area, including India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The community that speaks this particular speech variety is known as "Gujjar''. The Gujjar tribe is not settled in any particular region or area, but it is a nomadic tribe that travels throughout the year. In summer, Gujjar people go to the hilly areas of Kashmir, Hazara, Swat and Chitral etc., while in winter, when there is snow on the mountains, these people come to the plains towards the south with their livestock. Thus, their journey continues throughout the year. The specialty of this tribe is that their language has a distinct and unique identity from the languages spoken around them where they travel. They pass very successfully their language to their children and younger generations. Moreover, they have also set up "mobile schools" to educate their children in their mother tongue. In Pakistan, since no work has not yet been done under government auspices, while in Indian occupied Kashmir, the state has published books in Gojri language, so the writer has consulted them for our present research. This article will help us to understand the nature of Gojri lexical items. 


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How to Cite

گوجری لفظالی: اک مطالعہ. (2023). SULAIKH (سلیکھ), 6(2), 17-28. https://sulaikh.gcu.edu.pk/index.php/sulaikh/article/view/7